User Guide – Find times with Scheduling Poll

Use the Scheduling Poll to find the best times to meet with external attendees without the email-back-and forth. MeetingFull will first find the availability of your internal attendees and you can choose times to send to the external attendees. Attendees can then choose their available meeting times.

Go to

1. Hover on “Create new” in the sidebar menu and tap “Find times”

Hover on

2. Add a title to your Poll

Add a title to your Poll

3. Add the people you would like to attend the meeting

Add the people you would like to attend the meeting

4. Add a physical location for the meeting

Add a physical location for the meeting

5. Selects dates for potential meeting times

Selects  dates for potential meeting times

6. Select options to find the best times from your connected calendars

Select options to find the best times from your connected calendars

7. Refresh to get updated results

Refresh to get updated results

8. Expand a day to select times to send to attendees

Expand a day to select times to send to attendees

9. Tap to select poll options

Tap to select poll options

10. Add an agenda to the meeting

Add an agenda to the meeting

11. Send the Poll to attendees

Send the Poll to attendees

12. Tap on “Polls” in the sidebar navigation menu to see responses

Tap on

13. Expand the Poll to see Poll responses

Expand the Poll to see Poll responses

14. Expand the Poll to see Poll responses

Expand the Poll to see Poll responses

15. Refresh, Delete, or Resend Poll. Then Book the best time

You can add more meeting details on the next page

Refresh, Delete, or Resend Poll. Then Book the best time